28 June 2007

A journey of many steps.

Hello all;

I found an Internet cafe with an English keyboard, and should be able to write more, more quickly.

As I said before, the journey went well, although it was rather exhausting. I'll do more details of that at a later time.

We are acclimating and recovering from Jet Lag very well. While we've been waking up early, it has not been absurdly early.

This has been a trip of many steps. Yesterday, we ascended to the dome of Sacre Coure cathedral. Martha and I had been there on our last visit (before the girls were born), but had not done this. A very tight spiral of many steps, and then a magnficent view of the city. Since Sacre Couer is also on a high hill, the view is tremendous.

Today, we took the Metro to Champe De'Alysses (pardon my mispelling), and ascended to the top of that as well. A very tight spiral of many steps,(deja vu!) and another fantastic view. It was mesmerizing to look down at the traffic swirl about in the traffic circle around the monument. I wonder what a physicist would think.

That's just a few quick details, taken when I know I have the chance. We check out early tomorrow and take the Eurostar to London. We leave Paris at 7:15, and arrive in London at 8:55 (there is a one hour difference). I don't know what connectivity I shall have in the UK, or even when we get back to Paris on 3 July, but I'll try to post things when and if I get the chance. Otherise, I'll do some very major updates upon our return. (We get back on the 11th, but it will probably be a few days).

take care for now,


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