24 June 2007

And we're off!

No matter how organized you think you are (and Martha is very organized), and no matter how far in advance you start (and we started pretty early), there are always more things to do on the last day before any project than anticipated.

An old programing aphorism goes: "The first 90% of a project takes 90% of your time, and the remaining 10% takes the other 90%".

There were address lists to print, gardening to do, machines to back up, e-mail boxes to be cleared, pets to deliver to the pet sitter, house sitters to confer with, to do lists to print (and, of course, to do), double-checks that had to be triple checked, and...

... of course, suitcases to pack.

But it's all more or less done. The taxi comes to take us to Rockridge BART, and we proceed to the airport, and so on and so forth.

And this might be the only blog entry I get to do until our return. I have no idea of our connectivity abroad. However, I'll try to get a thing or two up, even if it's brief. So, check every three to four days, depending...

Otherwise, we'll be thinking of you all.

Here are some pictures of the girls bidding Rosemary good-bye:

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